Reach & Make Millions Sharing your Message

Reach & Make Millions Sharing your Message


heart moneyThere are so many reasons why people decide to become a published author, and all have a place in this world. This is because everyone’s dream for their book is different.

It really comes down to whether you are writing your book for MEANING, MONEY or MARKETING purposes, or a combination of all of these?

So for those that want to write to simply leave a legacy- that’s an incredible gift to the world. For others they are happy to share their story or expertise to help others, and then there are those who purely want to make an income from being an author.

It is possible to make a difference in your life, as well as in the world, and be financially rewarded- you just need to PUBLISH with PURPOSE. Start with the end in mind.


Writing for meaning may be to share your memoir or biography. It may be to share an experience you have overcome and you want to share your message and make a difference to the lives of others. You may love writing and have always wanted to write a book. So you may not start your journey with the intention to make money, however many a memoir has become a bestseller and even a movie deal has been struck. Think EAT PRAY LOVE- Elizabeth Gilbert.


For those wanting to write simply for profit, there are a lot of strategies available, mostly around having a large number of books on multiple niche subjects available to sell. This strategy is all about volume i.e how many books are sold, and is popular with eBooks, as it is faster and less expensive to get to market and the book writing can be outsourced. A book like any other product has to be produced in the right way and it also needs to be marketed and distributed to achieve sales.

This strategy involves researching what readers are looking for, using keyword research and writing a book specifically to answer a readers questions on a niche topic.

Some authors pump out short books every few weeks to stay visible and make money. They keep selling to their audience by giving them what they want.


Most entrepreneurs fall into this category where they are writing a book to position themselves as the expert or leader in their industry. So the book is part of a marketing strategy in an existing business or is the launching pad to build a business.

For example I started my book series to inspire people (that is what I am passionate about), but I also wanted to build a business and a brand, and receive an income in order to be a full-time authorpreneur. So I created a system and published with purpose from the outset to achieve the needs of the reader, the contributor and myself- I share this strategy in my Author Express program.

A book can be an incredible business card or brochure for people in business to position themselves, their expertise and be a lead generator to other products and services. The money is not necessarily in the book sales themselves, but is made in the backend.

The book may be the platform for the author to sell DVDs, CDs, consulting, workshops, speaking services, retreats or coaching and mentoring

Self -publishing is a great way for entrepreneurs to achieve their publishing goals. This is because they get control of their vision for their book and the book publishing timelines. They get to decide what to include to achieve their product funnel outcomes.

So yes authors can make money- but they need to be smart and savvy and make sure their books have the types of things included that ensure the books success.

Most of all you will have to market your book and build an author platform.

Success would be if your book achieves the outcome or purpose the author identifies before they even start writing.

So if an author approaches their book as if it was any other product in their business, if this is the books purpose, then they will be closer to achieving their outcome.

After all so many authors write to make a difference in the lives of others yet stop short of marketing and promoting their book and helping even more people. This backend is where the money often flows- remember money is simply an exchange of appreciation. When people appreciate your message and expertise- they are more than happy to pay for it.

Whatever reason you want to write your book, it all starts by writing one word….one sentence…one paragraph…one page…one chapter until you have your book.

Remember to PUBLISH with PURPOSE.





Share your message. Make a Difference. Leave a Legacy

Fiona Jones

9 times Best-selling author Publisher & Founder of Author Express





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