Publishing Procrastination

Publishing Procrastination

Why do so many coaches, authors and speakers wish to write a book, yet never do?
Chances are they are procrastinating.
Perhaps the hopeful author thinks they need to do another course, get more qualified or do more work experience before they will now enough in order to be able to write the book about it.

You already know enough
Because you are already thinking about writing a book on a certain topic, tells me you love that topic and most likely already help people in that area of their life. Perhaps it’s your work, or hobby and you are not yet charging for your service, so you feel like it’s not a real career or job, and hence you couldn’t possibly write a book about it.
Only experts and gurus do that, don’t they?
The thing is, there is ALWAYS someone that will know more than you on a given topic and a lot of people that will know less about it. But they may not have heard you explain it, in your voice and in your unique way.
No one has walked in your shoes and seen life through your eyes.
Not everyone in the world will be your reader or your client. You don’t need to sell millions of copies of your book to be successful, in fact done right, your book can make you a LOT of money without even the need to sell it.

You don’t need to be the EXPERT
My Millionaire book series, wasn’t about me being the guru on how to make millions, I was the reporter of that information. I simply gave myself permission to package all of that information up into a book series, by interviewing the experts.
Many of my Author Express student s have gone on to become authors, doing exactly this.

You have to make the time, and get started 5 minutes a day
No one has more than 24 hours in the day. Others that have published their book most likely didn’t spend a year tucked away in a cabin in the woods to write that baby.
The majority of authors, schedule writing time in their diaries and stick to that appointment, like they would any other scheduled priority.
Find a writing buddy or accountability person that you can show your word count to at the end of that week.
A great way to write is just to set the timer on your phone for 5 minutes and type or write non stop, don’t edit, don’t correct, just get the words on the page and tidy up later. If you get the momentum flowing, do another 5 minutes. It’s also a great idea to leave a starter sentence ready for your next writing session, so you take off where you finished without staring at a blank page. If you prefer to talk, then record your voice talking your topic and get it transcribed into words on a page.

You need to give yourself permission
Believe it or not, most authors did not wait until a publishing agent came knocking on their door and asked them to write a book and handed them a big publishing advance. This is very rare. You need to back yourself and get your book published ASAP. People need to know what you already know, they need your help. The longer it takes you to publish the longer it takes for you to help people. Back yourself!
You only need to be a few steps ahead of those seeking the information you already know.

You need to believe in you
Everyone works differently. Some people like to share their dream of becoming an author on every social media platform and to anyone who will listen. Some like the accountability that announcing it to the word brings to them.  Others like to publish and then go “ta-da”, to the world. Do whatever it takes and what works for you in terms of believing you can do this. Just as a brick house is built brick by brick, so is your book built word by word. You need to start writing so you can start to believe you are doing this.
Schedule time to start writing today, just five minutes at a time.

You’ve got this!

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