Share Your Passion Story

Share Your Passion Story

book loveBehind every author is a reason they wanted to share their message, story or passion with the world. Story telling is one of the oldest and most loved traditions on planet earth. People love learning through story. They also love doing business with someone who is absolutely passionate about what they do, and the story behind why you got started in your career, work, business is a great story to tell.

People buy people, not products. There is a huge trend for businesses to use the word love in their language. So sharing your story of why you wrote the book, why you started the business,  a charity,  a fundraiser or whatever it is you started,  is important. People want to know this. SHARE your passion story.

When I first started doing presentations about becoming a professionally published author, the story that resonated with people most was the story of how my daughter wrote and published a book at age eleven. Not so much because of the book ( although that;s a huge accomplishment), but  I guess because by sharing this, I also shared who I was as a mum and our life living on a property with animals and chickens. I share every little girls dream of owning her very own pony, aptly named, Dream, and I describe the perfect heart shape marking on the pony’s forehead.
People come up to me at the end of the presentation and mention how mush the story touched and inspired them.

I love the saying that goes something like, people may not remember what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel. Sharing who you are and why you do what you do, brings the human element to any business. People learn through story so even non-fiction books need to share story. You can do this by sharing case studies or client success stories through your book. Your introduction can include a short summary of your story and what has brought you to the point of writing a book on this subject.

One of the the most commonly asked questions  I get is, “How did you get the idea to write the Millionaire book series?”. Now the fact that I always get that question tells me from experience that people are interested and do want to know the story or inspiration behind your book idea.

Passion is contagious and cannot be faked. If you love what you do and share it, people will naturally be drawn to to you. Share your passion story.

I hope you choose to Share Your Message. Make a Difference. Leave a Legacy.

Fiona Jones

Author Mentor

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