Why adding Author to your Title Opens Doors (and wallets)

Why adding Author to your Title Opens Doors (and wallets)

Search for booksWhen you become a published author- doors suddenly open where once they were closed. Instead of you chasing new clients and customers, with your new found credibility as a published author, your book does the work for you. Clients and customers want to work with you.

People love to work with successful people, so who better to do business with than the ‘person that wrote the book on the topic’. You also find people are willing to pay more to work with ‘The Expert’. So the doors and wallets open when you publish your book, or in other words it will UPSIZE you. PEDASTALIZE By adding the word AUTHOR to your email signature, your resume, website, biography and website, you INSTANTLY are put on a pedestal. Media will come to you!  As an author you stand out above the noise, you become the go-to-person in your industry. The credibility that comes with being an author is instantaneous!

GOOGLEIZE Whether someone is looking to date someone or do business with someone, the first thing they do is Google you. If a potential client or customer is choosing between two business or service providers, it is easy to know who they would rather work with, the Expert (aka The Published Author) versus the non-author. A Google study, published as an eBook, known as ZMOT, looked into the way browsers became buyers. What they discovered was that consumers need to ‘build a relationship’ first before making a purchasing decision. By this I mean they need to see you in different places/sources, such as website, blog, social media, in person or in a video. What better way to ‘connect’ than with a book and repurpose your content to produce blogs, podcasts and social media posts.

PERSONALIZE When people are reading your book, they are investing one-on-one time with you, in their bedroom, on public transport, on holidays, in their lounge room, and you have their full attention. Leverage this by having your book available in print and eBook formats and you have your book working for you as your sales team, while building a relationship with the reader who will want to work with you further after investing their time reading about you and what you know. This works in all industries from coaching, to cupcakes, cornflakes to cooking!

MONETIZE To be able to continue to share your message you need to be able to monetize what you do and all modern entrepreneurs know this. When you publish your book in the right way by knowing your exact plan from the start and designing your book to include specific things to achieve your outcome for the book, the doors of opportunity will open. You will also have the ability to monetise your book. This happens when you start with the end in mind, so that your book becomes a business card for a specific product or a service. Most authors don’t make their money by selling their books but by having a book.

The money is in the business behind the book and the doors that open. It’s like upsizing at McDonalds- do you want fries with that! People want more from you, they read your book, now they want to join your online program, your seminar, workshop, buy your products or join your mentoring program. It is a way you can help more people. For some of my clients, the opportunities have come in the way of media (television, radio and magazines), increased fees, speaking opportunities, joint venture opportunities and partnerships, high paying coaching clients, not to mention the fulfilment that comes with being a published author, the difference you make and the legacy you leave.

MILLIONIZE Word of mouth has always been important to authors as one of the best marketing methods. This has never been more true than now, in the information age, with people being able to read a review about your book, post on forums and blogs, social networks, YouTube, so no longer is word of mouth one-to-one but one to many, maybe millions, all at the click of a button!  You and your book need to be visible online.

ACCESSORIZE For any one in business today a book is the ultimate accessory to pop out at business and client meetings. One of my clients was attending a seminar recently and she later commented on the reaction she had drawn and how people crowded around her when she pulled her book from her handbag to show another participant… the next day she had to take copies with her as the browsers had become buyers. Of course her book had a business behind it. Make your book a business card (that won’t be thrown away) today. fiona_signature

Fiona Jones

Share your message. Make a Difference. Leave a Legacy

Fiona Jones 9 times Best-selling author of The Millionaire Books and Founder of Author Express www.AuthorExpress.com

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